Frequently Asked Questions


We've got your covered, friend. See below for FAQ's and answers concerning
the Steubenville South Youth Conference. See you there!

Get to Know Steubenville South

  • What is a Steubenville Conference?

    The Steubenville Youth Conference, an outreach of Franciscan University of Steubenville, are a series of 25 conferences across North America that help teens encounter the love of Christ every summer.  Our mission is to build the Church by evangelizing, equipping, and empowering God’s children to become radical and joyful disciples.  For more information about the Steubenville conferences, visit

  • What does a conference weekend look like?

    Participants arrive with their groups and check-in mid-afternoon Friday.  After dinner, the conference starts with a welcome from the Conference Host, who is part of the Ministry Team, a short teaching about worship and the Keynote address.  The evening concludes with simple Eucharistic Adoration followed by time for the participants to gather in their small groups and/or go to Confession.

    Saturday begins with Mass and separate Men’s and Women’s sessions that typically focuses on how to live a chaste life in the world today.  Lunch starts the afternoon and happening simultaneously is another opportunity for small group time and/or Confession.  Dinner, small group time, and an opportunity for Confession begin Saturday evening.  This is followed by the Keynote and, what is often described by teens and adults alike as the absolute highlight of the weekend, Eucharistic Holy Hour with formal procession throughout the entire arena.  Again, at the conclusion, groups gather for their small group time and/or Confession.

    Sunday morning starts with the Keynote address, which generally focuses on how to bring the things they have heard throughout the weekend into a personal and practical reality for their everyday life.  The conference wraps-up with the closing Mass usually celebrated by the local Bishop.

  • Do you accommodate special needs?

    With advance notice, we are usually able to accommodate most special needs, including physical disabilities, allergies, and dietary needs.  Indicate these needs on individual registrations/liability forms.

  • What meals are included in the conference weekend?

    Your conference registration fee includes Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, and dinner.

  • Are conference t-shirts available?

    Yes, conference t-shirts are available for pre-order starting in April.  T-shirts are $15 each.  The deadline for t-shirt ordered is May 23.  Please note that no orders will be accepted after May 23 to ensure that all t-shirt orders arrive prior to the conference weekend.  If you choose not to pre-order, a limited supply of conference t-shirts will be available for purchase at our Marketplace during the conference weekend.

  • I am not part of a group. Can I still register?

    No.  All participants must be registered with a group.  A group consists of at least 3 members: one adult leader with two or more teen participants.  Chaperones are required to accompany each teen, with a ratio of 1 chaperone per 8 youth of the same gender.

  • Where will the conference weekend be held?

    The 2025 Steubenville South Conference will be held at the Randolph Riverfront Center, 707 2nd Street, Alexandria, LA 71301.

  • Is conference housing available?

    Yes!  Free Conference Housing is available on a first-come, first-served basis and is NOT guaranteed after May 2.  To register for free Conference Housing, please indicate your need on your group’s initial registration form.  Rooms for conference volunteers and priests are blocked off at the Hotel Bentley; individual volunteers and priests must contact the hotel directly to reserve their room for the weekend.

  • What are your recommended hotels to stay at for the conference weekend?

    Please see our list of housing recommendations for the conference weekend HERE.  To reserve rooms at a hotel or other local housing venue, please contact the venue directly.  We have blocked off rooms at many establishments, but it is up to the individual groups to reserve their own rooms for the weekend.

  • What do I need to pack for the weekend?

    Check out the full packing list HERE.

Partner With Us

  • I’d like to donate to Steubenville South – how can I do that?
  • Do you have any promotional materials I can pass out?

Resources + Recommendations

  • I’m a first time Group Leader / new to Steubenville South. Where should I start?

Group + Participant Registration

  • Who can attend Steubenville South?

    Steubenville South is a conference for high school students, those entering 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grades or who will have just graduated from high school.  The age of your chaperones must comply with the rules of your church parish or Diocese.  On-site group leaders must be 21 years of age or older.  All participants must be registered as part of a group with an on-site group leader taking responsibility for adhering to the payment, cancellation, and paperwork policies.  There must be one chaperone per eight youth of the same gender at the conference.

  • How much is the registration fee?

    This year’s registration fee is $170 per participant.  A $50 deposit per person (non-refundable) is due within two weeks after registration has been submitted.  Final payment of $120 per person (non-refundable) is due May 2.  If registered after May 2, your group registration total will be assessed with a $5 per person late fee.  New registration submissions will not be accepted after May 30, and changes to registration will not be accepted after June 6.

    Please note that housing is NOT included in the registration fee.  Group Leaders are responsible for booking accommodations for their group.  See the Housing List for a list of local housing options.

    The conference t-shirt is also NOT included in the registration fee.  Official conference t-shirts will be available for pre-order beginning in April, and a  limited number of conference t-shirts will be available in the conference Marketplace.

  • What payment options are available?

    If the deposit has not been paid by credit card at the time of registration, a deposit check must be received by our office no more than 2 weeks after the date you registered online in order to secure your spots.

    Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.  Deposits paid for dropped spots may not be applied to the final balance.

    Paid final payments are also non-refundable.  Final payments must be received by our office by May 2.  If your group’s final payment is not made by the deadline, your group will be transferred to the Wait List.

    For registrations submitted after May 2, full payment must be submitted immediately.  A late fee of $5 per person will be included with your group’s total.

    Payment methods:  Checks should be made to Steubenville South, and mailed to: P.O. Box 7417, Alexandria, LA 71306.  If making payment online, please use the link provided to you.

  • Can I make adjustments to my group's registration participation numbers?

    Yes!  If you have already registered your group but need to make changes to your participation numbers (male youth, male chaperones, female youth, or female chaperones), please use the Group Update Form (available soon) to make those updates.  Please use your submission as your invoice and make payment accordingly.  The deadline for Group Updates is June 6.  No additions will be accepted two weeks prior to the conference weekend.

    Please note that all groups are held to the cancellation policies that were agreed to during registration.  Deposits are non-refundable, and non-transferable.  Deposits paid for dropped spots cannot be applied to the final balance.  Groups may drop unneeded spots until June 6, but will forfeit the $50 deposit per spot.  Payment in full will be required for all spots not dropped by June 6.

  • If the conference is sold out, can I still register my group to be added to the Wait List?

    Yes!  Please use the following form (coming soon!) to place your group on this year’s Wait List.  If your group is approved, you will be notified asap.  Our office will then provide you with the link to our Group Registration form and payment links.

  • What is the difference between a Group Leader and a Trip Organizer?

    The Group Leader is the main contact, attending the conference and responsible for the group during the event.  A Trip Organizer, if used, handles registration and paperwork but does not attend the conference.  If your group has both, please provide contact details for both individuals.

  • How many chaperones does my group need?

    Group Leaders must be 21 years of age or older.  We recommend that chaperones also be at least 21 years old.  There must be ONE CHAPERONE per EIGHT YOUTH of the SAME GENDER at the conference.  We encourage you to bring additional chaperones, if needed, to meet the needs of your group.

  • If I have a participant in my group cancel, can I replace them with another person?

    Yes!  In our Liability Platform dashboard you’ll need to delete the form of the person no longer attending and have the person replacing them fill out the form using your group’s link.  If the replacement is an adult, make sure that they meet the requirements of your diocese’s Safe Environment policies.

  • I am the Group Leader, and am having difficulty accessing my group's Liability Platform.

    Please follow the instructions on how to access your group’s Liability Platform HERE (coming soon!).  If you still have issues, please contact our office at

  • I am a parent, and am having difficulty accessing my child's Liability Platform link.

    Please follow the instructions on how to complete your Liability paperwork HERE (coming soon!).  If you still have issues, please contact our office at

  • Do you accommodate special needs?

    With advance notice, we are usually able to accommodate special needs, including physical disabilities.  We, however, are not responsible for special dietary needs, and ask that groups plan accordingly if members of your group have special dietary concerns or restrictions.

  • I am a Group Leader. What do I need to bring with me to check-in at the conference?

    As the Group Leader, you will be responsible for obtaining a completed Verification Form for your group (coming soon!).  This form lists all adults and youth attending in your group and is DUE FRIDAY WHEN CHECKING IN.  You will be responsible for adding all youth and chaperones to this form.  This form states that all of your chaperones have received and completed the Safe Environment training for your diocese, and that your group will adhere to all Conference Policies and Procedures.  All participants attending MUST be listed in alphabetical order under the designated spaces.  You and your parish priest must sign approving that all adult chaperones meet your diocese’s Safe Environment protocols.

    Please note: All Liability Forms should be completed online by each participant prior to the conference.  You will NOT be required to print your group’s Liability Forms.  Liability Forms will be checked electronically based upon your group’s completed Verification Form.

  • Will parents be able to attend Sunday Morning Mass?

    As of this time, yes, parents are welcome to attend the closing Mass on Sunday morning of the conference weekend.  The entire conference weekend, including the closing Mass, will also be livestreamed.  Please visit throughout the conference weekend to check-in on conference sessions.

  • Our priest would like to attend the conference with our group. How do I register him?

    It is our pleasure to welcome any and all priests to attend the Steubenville South Conference.  It is both a blessing and a witness to hundreds of youth to see the great servants of the Church all around them.  As a sign of our gratitude for their priestly service, we have waived the registration fee for all priests in attendance.  Priests are invited to concelebrate Mass Saturday and Sunday morning, and are encouraged to hear confessions throughout the weekend.  All priests must register by the May deadline.

  • Can we attend if we are not a standard parish youth group?

    Yes!  You can make up a group of any youth and adults.  However, our Verification Form must be signed by your parish’s pastor.  You must have the support of your parish’s pastor and all of your adults must be in compliance with the Safe Environment policies of your diocese in order to attend.


  • This will be my first time to volunteer at the Steubenville South Conference. Can you tell me more about what volunteer positions are available?

Service Crew + Franciscan LEAD

  • What is Franciscan LEAD and who is it for?

    Franciscan LEAD is a dynamic Catholic leadership opportunity for teens that are ready to step up to the next level in leadership, evangelization, and discipleship. It is directed and facilitated by well-trained young adults and youth ministers who will equip and empower high school youth to be a witness for the Catholic faith and prepare them for ongoing service in evangelization.

  • What is the commitment for Franciscan LEAD and what will they get out of it?

    It is a five-day, Christ-centered, sacrament-soaked, prayer-fueled immersion in Catholic teachings on leadership, evangelization, and discipleship. The life and witness of St. Francis of Assisi inspire

  • What happens over the course of the week?