Catechetical Formation Enrichment Day | Saturday, September 28
Join us Saturday, September 28 in Alexandria, LA to dive into the vision for the ministry God has placed you in, the community around you, and the tools you’ll need to get to work. This event is offered to all those who perform Catechetical ministries in the Diocese of Alexandria, as well as those youth ministers at this summer’s Steubenville South Conference. Registration is now OPEN!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on this Catechetical Formation Enrichment Day.
Beyond the Limits Jr. High Conference – December 7
Calling all middle school students! In our ever- changing world, Jesus is the answer to the longing of our hearts for meaning, fulfillment, security, and love. Join us at Beyond the Limits, Jr. High Conference on Saturday, December 7 to be illuminated in the light of Christ.
All students in grades 6 – 8 are invited to attend this retreat with their parish youth group. We are thrilled to have Mike Patin leading us for the day.
Register now below! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Group registration is officially closed! With over 2,000 adults and teens registered to attend this summer’s Steubenville South Conference, we can’t wait to see each and every one of you!
Total cost for all groups is $170 per person. This will be paid as a $50 deposit per person, non-refundable, and a $120 final payment per person, non-refundable, due within 2 weeks of registering your group.
Please read through the Steubenville South Policies & Procedures 2024 Handbook carefully as some info has changed from previous years.
n. dohr hohl-der: One who takes great pleasure in opening the door for others to experience Jesus.
We use the term “Door Holder,” borrowed from Psalm 84:10, which speaks of being a doorkeeper in the house of God.
Volunteering at the Steubenville South Youth Conference is an exceptional opportunity to make a difference in the lives of teens + to experience a spiritually fulfilling and uniquely Catholic volunteer opportunity. Come and see first-hand the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our youth.
Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age, and complete a Volunteer Application (online beginning January 16, 2024), and Code of Conduct form, signed by themselves and their pastor.
Volunteer registration is closed! Thank you so much for giving of your time and talent! If you haven’t submitted your signed Code of Conduct forms please do so ASAP. Volunteer opportunities include: Catering; Confessions; First Aid; Liturgy; Prayer Ministry; Security; Stage Crew; and Ushers. For a list of Volunteer Opportunity descriptions, click here.
All priests are asked + strongly encouraged to attend the Steubenville South Conference. You are a treasure to the Church, and an inspiration to our youth!
All priests attend FREE, but must register by May 24, 2024. All priests must have a letter from their bishop stating that they are in good standing in order to attend the Steubenville South Conference. Our office will obtain this letter for you UNLESS you register after May 24. If you register late, please forward this letter to our office.
The registration form for priests is NOT for deacons, seminarians, or religious. All deacons, seminarians, and religious are asked to complete a Volunteer Application, linked above beginning January 16, 2024. We can’t wait to see you!
The Steubenville South Service Crew + Franciscan L.E.A.D. programs are engaging retreat + service + leadership experiences.
We’re getting the band back together! We are so excited to have Service Crew back in 2024! Service Crew is an engaging retreat and service experience. Members come together earlier in the week for retreat and community activities. On Thursday, the Crew begins to prepare the conference site for the arrival of almost 2,000 teens, volunteers, priests, and religious! Service Crew provides hands-on work through the conference weekend, serving the needs of all participants, staff, and volunteers. Service Crew is a great way to connect with other youth, learn more about the Catholic faith, and serve the local Church.
Service Crew is open to youth who have previously attended a Steubenville Youth Conference, and are currently entering their sophomore year of high school through those graduating this coming spring. Those interested in participating in Service Crew may apply below.
The Franciscan L.E.A.D. program will not take place at this year’s Steubenville South Conference, but we look forward to hosting it again in the future.