Our Mission.
We are a community of people who want to grow together in their Catholic faith. We teach youth and adults alike to encounter Christ in their daily lives, find who they were meant to serve, use their gifts and utilize their weaknesses for the good of others and the glory of God. We will use any means necessary to equip and encourage, and pass on the legacy of faith that has been passed down to us. We are constantly learning and adapting the way we do mission, and encouraging others to do the same. We believe in beauty pointing toward the Divine, and strive to live a Eucharistic life while supporting the local and worldwide Church through our time, talent, and treasure. We fulfill this mission by creating attractive and accessible resources, products, and experiences to foster community and deepen faith both in-person and online.
The Steubenville South office prepares a place for teens to encounter Jesus – and for Jesus to encounter them, right where they are.
Our Vision.
Our vision is that the local Church be assisted in the work of the new evangelization through the gathering, equipping, and sending out of disciples of all ages and walks of life. We’re motivated by a vision of the future featuring youth and adults using all they’ve got for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.