We believe in God our Father and Creator who loves His children so much that He made a way for them to be in constant + eternal relationship with Him. | John 3:16
We find our victory in Jesus, the sinless Son of God who came to earth so that we may be called friends, ambassadors, and coheirs with Him. | John 15:15
We crave the work of the Holy Spirit and are exceedingly grateful for His power at work in and through us today. We believe God is living, active, and moving here today. | John 14:26
We love the Word of God and work to live under its authority. We seek to see Him in and through it, and we’re widely grateful for such a resource. | Hebrews 4:12
We love the Church and believe she is the Bride of Christ. We believe the local church is better off when we’re all in it, and we seek to use our gifts to build her, grow her, and push her toward the purity God intended for her. | Ephesians 5:25-27
We are thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ, and come alongside them in the power, love and self-control that’s been purchased for all of us. | 2 Timothy 1:7
We are motivated by a vision of heaven with people from every nation, tongue, and tribe. We believe that our diversity makes us better and that we have much to learn from hearing stories that are different than our own. We recognize our privilege, and we seek to empower and equip those around us. | Revelation 7: 9 – 10