Illuminate 2024: May updates

Illuminate 2024: May updates

Dear friend,

You’re amazing! 

Many of you have indicated that you are first-time group leaders, and others of you have been walking alongside teens and their families for decades.  Wherever you fall on the spectrum: thank you!  What a joyful responsibility it is to lead this next generation to a closer relationship with Christ and His Church. 

Please know that you are in my prayers each day, and that I am overwhelmingly grateful for your prayers, support, and patience as we work to make this summer’s weekend together an experience of true communion with Christ and our community. 

Here are a few updates as we move closer to the Steubenville South Conference weekend, June 21 – 23: 

GROUP DEPOSITS: Thank you for registering your group!  By now you should have received a confirmation email and invoice.  Group deposits were/are due within 2 weeks of registering your group.  If you have not yet paid your group’s deposit, please do so ASAP.  Once we receive your group’s deposit, you will be added to the Liability Platform to register your individual group members.  (See below for more liability form information).  You will not be added to the liability platform until we receive your group’s deposit. If you would like to pay by credit card, click HERE.  

FINAL PAYMENTS: All final payments are due by Friday, May 24.  If you cannot meet this deadline, please email us at, so we can stay on the same page with your group.  Please do everything possible to meet this deadline to help our office better prepare for all of our groups and volunteers.  If you would like to pay by credit card, please click HERE.  If you would like to pay by check, please include your name (Group Leader), and mail your group’s payment to: Steubenville South Conference, P.O. Box 7417, Alexandria, LA 71306.

INVOICES: You will receive an email with your group’s invoice by Monday, May 6. This invoice will reflect the current remaining balance for your group due by Friday, May 24. If you have added or dropped spots and need an updated invoice, please email us at

Please include the following in your email: Hi Sarah!  I need an updated invoice for (GROUP NAME), under (GROUP LEADER NAME).  Please send the updated invoice to (EMAIL ADDRESS). 

ADDING SPOTS: We will continue to accept registrations as long as we can.  If you would like to add spots to your group, please email us at with your name, your group name, the number of spots you would like to add, if those spots are for boys/girls, and if you need an updated invoice sent to you.

LIABILITY FORMS: If your group’s deposit payment has been received, then you have been entered into the Liability Platform.  You will receive an email with your specific link and password by Monday, May 6.   


T-SHIRT PRE-ORDER:  Conference t-shirts are now available for pre-order for $15 each!  Click HERE  to view the conference t-shirt and to place your order.  T-shirt pre-orders are due by May 24.  A limited number of conference t-shirts will be available in the conference marketplace.

PRIESTS:  If your parish priest has indicated that he would like to attend the conference weekend, please thank him for me!  Priest registration is available HERE. We’re asking that all priests register by May 24.

VOLUNTEERS: If you know of any adults who would be interested in volunteering for the conference, please have them register HERE by May 24.  We are in need of volunteers in many areas, so please encourage adults in your area to volunteer for this summer’s conference weekend.

CONFERENCE HOUSING:  Conference housing is completely full!  If you registered for on-campus housing prior to May 1, we will send a separate email with additional information by May 24.  


Whew, this is a lot of information!  If you have any questions at all, please reply back to this email and we will answer you as soon as possible.  

Please do everything possible to meet the above deadline, and to have all of your group registration information completed.  This will make check-in on Friday of the conference much easier for all group leaders and office staff.  

Another email will be sent out the first week of June with more information.  Until then, you remain in my prayers daily. 

 In the light of Christ, 


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